Struzzi Introduces Legislation to Reform Apprenticeship and Job Training Programs

September 24, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana) has introduced legislation, House Bill 1840, that would reform the Apprenticeship and Training Act through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) mandates a specific set of criteria that states must meet in their apprenticeship and job training programs, which Pennsylvania does not meet. This bill would require the Commonwealth to conduct a 90-day review of the act, in consultation with the State Apprenticeship Council and USDOL, and report the changes necessary for federal compliance to the relevant legislative committees.

“Updating our law to comply with federal requirements is the first step to open the door for more students and adult workers to enter apprenticeship programs,” said Struzzi. “This will help solve our workforce needs, improve our economy and create more opportunities for families and business growth.”

The bill is currently before the House Labor and Industry Committee for consideration.

Representative Jim Struzzi
62nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Kevin DiGuiseppe
717.260.6419 (office), 610.937.4679 (cell) /

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