Struzzi Hosting Clymer Town Hall Meeting

September 30, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana) will be hosting a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 6 p.m., at the Clymer Volunteer Fire Department, located at 550 Sherman St. in Clymer.

Constituents are invited to ask questions about state-related issues, provide feedback on pending legislation and learn more about the services offered by the state government.

“My first and foremost responsibility as a state representative is to serve the needs of the constituents of Indiana County,” said Struzzi. “These town hall meetings are a fantastic opportunity to gain a firsthand understanding of what those needs are, and to begin working together toward solutions.”

Struzzi will also be hosting subsequent town hall meetings on Oct. 9, at the Brush Valley Township Fire Department, and on Oct. 15, at the Creekside Volunteer Fire Company.

Those who wish to attend any of these town halls should register online at or by calling Struzzi’s Indiana district office at 724-465-0220.

Representative Jim Struzzi
62nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Kevin DiGuiseppe
717.260.6419 (office), 610.937.4679 (cell) /

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